
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

分手吧!我的士多啤梨鼻!Lucille Jacoranda軟膚精華素

無論我用任何清脫黑頭的產品,由於毛孔已經被撐得大大的,清完黑頭後,到街口買個麥當當,回家把鏡拿起來一照,my friend黑頭就已經回歸了。所以近年我都不太理會它,默默接受我的士多啤梨鼻。
近來看到別的sis推介Lucille Jacoranda軟膚精華素,說用完一個月,針清也幾乎不用做,鼻上的毛孔近乎看不見,於是我就敗家了。

我買的是Lucille Jacoranda軟膚精華素的3ml x 40支裝。一盒在yahoo auction是HKD$278。


下圖為Day 0, Day 5 和 Day 12 的比較。可以見到不到一個星期的效果已經很明顯。使用首星期效果最為顯著,之後就雖然有進步,但是不拍照的話我還真沒注意到。


by Wendy

Goodbye, my strawberry nose! Lucille Jacoranda Acne Purifying Treatment

Blackheads problem has been troubling me since high school. I rarely visit beauty centers because I don't want to make time for that every week, and pay a fortune every month. I seriously hate how they try to sell you things as well. So I guess I brought on the huge pores problem myself. Since my pores are very large, regardless of the blackhead removal products that I use, once I cleanse my face and go out for a McD meal, my blackheads would have returned. As a result, I have kind of given up on my strawberry nose already. Recently, I read some blog posts recommending Lucille Jacoranda acne purifying treatment, saying that after using it for a month, you don't really need to remove your blackheads using a comedone extractor (ouch) and you can hardly see the pores on your nose. SO, I bought it.

I purchased the 3ml x 40 bottles pack of Lucille Jacoranda Ance Purifying Treatment. One pack costs HKD$278 at Yahoo Auction.

When I opened the box, there was strong scent of menthol - so strong that it made me dizzy. I was a bit worried that it would make me reluctant to use it. Fortunately, as only a small amount was needed every time, so the scent was barely noticeable. Although one bottle of serum is only 3 ml, each can last more than a week. One pack would last for over 40 weeks!

The strangest thing about this serum is its packaging... you have to twist and pull to open the lid, and there is no pump. All I wanted to say was "now what?" when I first opened it. In the end, I just poured the product out, using an amount about the size of a 50 cents coin.

After 2 nights, most of the blackheads surfaced. I used facial scrub the next morning, which was already sufficient to remove most of them. The effect lasts until now. Of course, it is impossible to give you that perfect skin after one week of use, but I noticed that the pore size on my nose is reduced. Yet, pores on my cheeks do not show much visible change. The picture below shows you comparison of Day 0, Day 5, and Day 12. I think you get the most significant results in the first week, despite the fact that there is improvement after the first week, it is not as prominent, unless you capture it by a camera like I did.

Some of my friends whose blackhead problem aren't as serious as mine commented that their skin has become softer after only one application. So far I haven't got any allergies from this product, but after using it for around 10 days, I thought the skin on my nose was peeling. I was so worried it was because I have been applying it too frequently. I stopped for a day and only applied partially on key areas, but then I noticed that it was probably because I was too greedy and applied too much product. The product dried on my skin without being fully absorbed, and turned into something like flakey skin. Anyway, I am a satisfied customer so far, even though my pores are not yet "invisible" and I still have a few blackheads, but it was such an inexpensive way to solve my lifelong blackheads problem! I am very happy with it! hahaha!