
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Musee underarm hair removal package

I have always wanted to try out laser hair removal, but it is not cheap and i absolutely hate going to those beauty salons that try to force you to buy products. So, I have always avoided it.
Once in a while, I go look at the group buy coupon sites.  I have found deals that are usually for one or one and a half year unlimited hair removal.  I have asked my friend who has done laser hair removal before and she told me that you are supposed to only do it once every two months (depending on the strength of the light).  Most people feel that after going 6 times, their hair grows slower, become thinner but there is still hair.  Therefore, one year (6 sessions) is not enough.
Of course I could buy two coupons (allowing me to get 12 sessions), but none of my friends have tried the beauty/wax salons that are on the coupon site.  They are mostly not well heard of and are small companies - I don't feel too safe in their hands.  But most importantly, I hate the hard selling of products that those small companies do. One day, a friend recommended to me a Japanese company called "Musee".  She vowed that they do not do force you to buy products and they were also doing a special promotion for underarm hair removal.
This promotion allows you to have unlimited sessions over multiple years - until the hair on your underarms is totally gone.  All this for only HKD 555.  I was a little bit suspicious of whether they will hard sell their products, because if everyone bought this promotion wouldn't they lose money? But I trust my friend, and thought if I only brought my octopus card and cash I wouldn't have money to buy anything else.
The first time I went to Musee's center I got an evaluation form to fill out.  It asked questions like how I normally treat my underarm hair and the characteristics of my hair (for example thick or thin).  It also explained the gist of the hair removal process.  After handing in the form, a pretty beautician came out and explained the process in detail including the things to look out for according to what I filled out in the form.  She also explained how Musee's hair removal worked in accordance with the hair growth cycle.
And then I scheduled the first session, paid and got some free stuff (facial message package) - that's right, you don't actually get a session the first time you visit - their bookings are quite full so it was quite difficult to book a time.
If you would like to know how the whole hair removal process works, you can visit Musee's website ( gives a detailed explanation.  I have to point out though that Musee does not use the generic hair removal methods like other beauty salons (i.e. wax removal or IPL (intense pulsed light)).  They use a method called Smooth Skin Control Hair Removal.  This method beams the light on a special gel which helps to slow down the growth of your hair.
When they are removing the hair, it feels a little stingy.  The feeling is similar to being accidentally hit by a rubber band.
I have been to two sessions, and can say I am a happy customer so far and this is why~
They send out an SMS the day before to remind you of your appointment time and general things to look out for before/during hair removal.  Their beauticians are very attentive, and always have a smile on their face.  During the process she will also explain to you what she is doing.  After the session they ask you to fill out a customer satisfaction form so that they can improve on next time.
I almost forgot to mention, the best part is that they have never tried to force me to buy anything!
After the two sessions I can say my hair is growing slower and thinner, but I am far from completely hair free.  When I reach that goal I will be sure to let you guys know how many times it took me!
[English translation - original blog in Chinese]

Musee兩腋下完了療程 – 激光脫毛

一直都想一勞永逸地去做激光脫毛,奈何實在不便宜,而且我非常、 十分、超級討厭在美容院被推銷不同的產品, 所以直到早前都是一字記之曰「想」。

偶爾看看團購,都是什麼一年或年半內任脫的deal, 但問過曾做激光脫毛的朋友, 由於激光脫毛最多只可以兩個月做一次(視乎激光的強度), 多數的人脫完六次後都是覺得毛的生成速度減慢了,也變幼了, 可是還是會長,所以一年(即六次)是不足夠完成的。

當然我也可以買兩次體購(即有十二次左右), 不過朋友當中沒有人試過團購那些脫毛中心/美容院, 而且多算是名不經傳的小公司,總覺得不太安全。更重要的是, 我最、最、最討厭硬銷。

直到友人推介一所日資脫毛中心Musee,說絕對不會有人推銷, 而且在做「兩腋下完了療程」推廣。


第一次到她們的中心時,她們請我先填寫一份評估, 內容主要是圍繞平日的處理毛法的習慣、了解你的毛的特質( 例如是多與少)以及你對一般脫毛療程的認識。填寫完畢後, 會有美美的治療師(美容師?脫毛師??) 來解說她們的服務及根據你填寫的資料來提醒你一些脫毛服務使用者 該注意的地方。她們亦會解釋Musee的一些脫毛原理( 例如是如何配合毛髮生長週期等)。然後就是約第一次療程的時間、 付錢和送贈品(離子導入器和專用啫喱)。
對~第一次去是不會做療程的,而且她們的檔期很滿, 第一次療程實在不容易約到。
如果大家想知道整個脫毛的過程,Musee的網站有仔細的描述(, 我就不詳細說了。 但值得一提的是Musee與坊間美容院常用的脫毛方法不同( 如蜜蠟脫毛(wax removal)和 IPL(intense pulsed light)),Musee採用Smooth Skin Control Hair Removal主要是將光打到一常特別的啫喱上, 從而令到啫喱減慢毛髮生長。
基本上,我脫毛時,會感到有一點點刺刺的, 程度大概就像不小心被橡皮圈彈到一樣。
因為在約定日子前一天又會發短訊提醒你時間和其他脫毛注意事項。加上她們的治療師都很細心,經常面帶笑容。進行療程時, 每做一個步驟都會跟你說明,事後又會讓你填寫意見書, 以改善服務。


療效方面,暫時的確覺得毛是長慢了和幼了, 不過距離跟毛毛講拜拜還有很長的一段距離。到我成功時, 再跟大家分享我到底做了多少次療程~

- by Wendy