
Thursday, February 21, 2013

經濟之選:Girlactik Beauty 妝前底霜

這次介紹的是我在化妝學校買的Girlactik Beauty妝前底霜。
在化妝學校用過這支Girlactik Beauty的妝前底霜,覺得也蠻保濕的,所以索性買一支自用。

這個品牌在Miss的學校裡有分tinted moistuizer和這支skin primer。前者是有顏色的(但同樣保濕),自用的話,由於我還是比較喜歡用粉底,所以選了無色 (背面是寫著Canvas啦~!) 的skin primer。

沒有錯啦,有很多 primer那邊才是沒有塗primer的。可以清楚看到塗了primer那邊比較濕潤,而且細紋也比較不明顯吧! 除了加了文字和那條分隔線,這圖沒ps過的啦!

其售價是$240 @Makeup Secret

by Wendy

Good value pick: Girlactik Beauty skin primer

I will be talking about this Girlactik skin primer which I purchased from my makeup school in this post. As mentioned in older posts, my skin is very dry, and if I don't apply primer or moisturizer before makeup, the whole look will get greasy in 1-2 hour time. In fact, I used to like Sephora's primer, but Hong Kong's Sephora has closed down for some years, and I can't survive without primer, so I have struggled to find a good substitute. I have used this Girlactik Beauty on others in makeup school before, and it seems quite promising, so I got one for myself.

The makeup school that I attended sells Girlactik Beauty's tinted moisturizer and skin primer. As the former would show color after application (it's just as moisturizing nonetheless), I prefer foundation when it comes to that. So I chose the colorless skin primer (well, it's labelled as "canvas" at the back).

It's white on its own, and the texture is quite thin. It won't show any color after your skin has absorbed the product.
 I have posted a LARGER picture below, so that you can see more clearly. Oh yes! Skin on the side which you can see quite a lot of primer has not been applied any product. You can see that the side which has primer applied looks more moisturized and the lines are less obvious! Apart from the words and the separating line, the photo has not been edited in other ways!

It's $240 @Makeup Secret

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lush Ocean Salt Facial Scrub

Exfoliation is a treatment that can be easily done at home. My skin is more on the rougher side, so using scrubs with smaller beads don't work well. If you have "thinner" skin then it should be okay. Many girls like to do facial scrubs once in while because it makes your skin feel softer. Of course I enjoy this feeling, but you have to be cautious not to over exfoliate! I'm sure in high school we have learnt about the structure of the skin - the epidermis, dermis, and hypo dermis. Due to biological and environmental factors, our skin will slowly build up cells that it cannot get rid of. Facial scrub is basically a method to get rid of these dead cells. (Of course there are chemical exfoliation as well) If you over exfoliate, your skin can turn sensitive. Remember to always hydrate your skin after you scrub! One of my personal favourite scrubs is the UK brand Lush 's Ocean Salt Facial Scrub. It uses sea salt which is coarser. In Jan 2013, Lush closed all its franchises in Hong Kong and opened a flagship store. The store can be found on Granville Road.

As I mentioned earlier, you cannot exfoliate too often. I tend to do it once or twice per week. Because of Lush's natural ingredients, the scrub has a use by date of 3 months. I always purchase the small version (120g) to minimize waste. (Once I bought the big jar and had to use it as a whole body scrub before the best before date)

 Once you open the jar, the facial scrub is a light blue colour. The scent is fresh and smells like the ocean (but not salty!)

 The scrub is basically like normal cooking sea salt - Lush added lime and coconut to it to make it more hydrating. To use the scrub you take a small amount (I use around the size of one sugar cube) and massage it on to your face. After you can just rinse with cold water. Because it is sea salt, make sure the lid is on tight after you have used it or it will all turn into salt water. If you find the scrub too coarse, you can add one or two drops of water to the product in your hand to dissolve some of the salt. Don't add too much though because it will dissolve all the salt and defeat the purpose of the scrub. After using it, your skin feels much softer and smoother. If I wasn't worried about over exfoliation I would use it every day. Lastly, Lush prints the date the product was made and the staff who made it. Mine was made by Mohammed! ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

By Wendy


我個人比較喜歡用的磨砂霜就是英國LUSH的藍海水晶潔面磨砂霜(Ocean Salt Facial Scrub)。裡面用的是海鹽,所以是非一般粗的磨砂<3
2013年1月, LUSH收回在港的代理權,英國的總公司自己在港開店,所以往時的LUSH店不見了,暫時它的旗艦店開在加連威老道,在龍城大藥房附近。大家小心不要去錯~

如上述所言,磨砂不宜每天都做,我的話,基本上是一星期做一至兩次。由於LUSH的產品在開封後都要在三個月內用畢,所以我買的是120g裝。以免用不完就浪費了~ (←以前已經試過一次,最後要用來做全身磨砂,把它用光光…不然就虧大了…)


用法就是拿一些磨砂霜 (我每次也用大概一粒方糖左右的份量) 塗在面上,像平想洗臉那樣把產品與皮膚磨擦,最後以清水洗面即可。因為它是海鹽,遇水就會變鹽水,所以記得要把蓋子關好。
與LUSH的其他產品一樣,上面有貼製造此產品的員工名字和日期。我的是Mohammed  造的喔~!

by Wendy