
Friday, April 12, 2013

Say goodbye to puffy eyes: eye-care exercise!

I had a very good high school principal back then. She was worried that we would become short-sighted from reading, so she made us do eye-care exercise after lunch every day. This eye-care exercise is based on Chinese medical theory of "acupuncture points" and emphasizes on massaging the acupuncture points around the eyes. It is assumed to help prevent/alleviate short-sightedness. We were told to do four different sets of eye-care exercises with very dramatic music (the kind of music that you hear when the Chinese gymnastics team are doing floor gymnastics in Olympics) alongside with very Beijing accent putonghua. Everyone in the school would close their eyes and keep massaging. Not a scene that you see everywhere! After graduation, of course I haven't kept up the practice (seriously! who would!?). But whenever I got puffy eyes, a 5min eye-care exercise would help greatly reduce puffiness. Details about how to do this eye-care exercise can be found in the video link below. The main difference between the eye-care exercise demonstrated and the one that I did in my high school was that, the fourth set of exercise is like combining the fourth and fifth part of the video - use your thumb to press your temple, then use your index finger to massage around your eye. And this is exactly what I do to reduce puffiness. (the other sets are useful too when your eyes are sore~!)

(sorry, it's in chinese)

Remember to look at something far & green when you are done. If you are living somewhere close to the woods, that would be perfect. And it's normal to feel a little drowsy. Hope this helps those would get puffy eyes easily. :)

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