
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sigma Synthetic Kabuki Brush Kit

The main purpose we started Laucuz was to bring the wonderful Sigma brushes to you. Can’t believe we haven’t blogged about it yet! Lets first talk about the synthetic brush sets. Each brush’s bristle is really soft and small - when applying foundation, cream blush etc. it feels very smooth and thin. I think that foundation brushes are like toothbrushes, the smaller the bristles the easier it is to get in the cracks. Applying the same principle, if the foundation brush’s bristles are small, the density will be higher. This will help make pores look smaller. It doesn’t require too much skill either, just apply using circular motions. The first time I used the F82 round kabuki, my boyfriend asked me if I have changed foundation because my make up looked really great. (to him there are only days of “your make up looks nice today!” and “your make up looks a bit heavy!”, so when he says it looks great it really means something.)

On that day I used my cell phone to take the picture so the resolution is not that great. (I know I have dark eye circles!)

Honestly I think that the brushes are worth every penny. The only thing that’s not good is that it is quite hard to clean. I have to spend a bit of time to clean it properly. Let’s now talk about the brushes in the kit. F80 is a flat head kabuki brush. I like to use this brush to apply blush because my face has a large surface area. The flat head fits perfectly to my face.

My favourite in the kit is the F82 brush. It is the best for foundation! Because of the round head design, it can reach a lot of places that are hard to reach (like the nose), and also achieve a smooth natural look.

F84 is the angled kabuki, I usually use it for my cheekbones for contouring/blush. You can also use it for highlighting, but because I am part of the oily skin group I dont’t highlight my cheekbones.

Lastly is the F86, the tapered brush. I don’t use this brush as often but Sigma recommends it for highlighting. I don’t find it useful so Laucuz is not selling this brush at the moment.

I hope you enjoyed the introduction to the kabuki brushes, if you want to purchase you can contact us at

Sigma Synthetic Kabuki Kit 化妝掃




至於F82,就是我在系列當中的最愛 ♥♥♥♥~!用來上濕粉一流~!因為圓頭形的設計,就算面上不平坦的地方(如鼻子),也可以輕鬆上粉~而且絕對不會厚~


最後的F86,則是我覺得比較沒有用的掃,sigma的官方介紹說可以用來上光影, 不過暫時於我的作用不太,也正因如此,laucuz沒有賣這款掃。



Thursday, May 16, 2013

Squalene vs. Squalane :: Botani and MUJI squalene oil

The latest beauty trend is to use squalene oil. I have used Botani’s olive squalene oil for over a year now and I think that it is hydrating, but it did not meet my expectations of reducing my pore size. However, the moisturizing property is worth my continuation in using it. Why is squalene oil so good? Our skin cells have around 11-12% squalene - during our teens and early 20s our skin produces this amount. When we reach the age of 25 however, the levels of squalene in our skin cells start to drop. When we reach 50 we only have around 5% left. So supplementing with squalene oil is really good for us! Apart from improving and preventing wrinkles, squalene can stop blemishes from appearing. If your skin appears to be peeling/flakey (basically really dry) you can also try using squalene to correct it. The Japanese have added squalene to their cosmetics for many years. Back then, squalene was sourced from sharks, but we don't even eat shark fin now because of ethical reasons. Therefore the cosmetic industry is now sourcing squalene from plants. As you can tell from what I have said, squalene is a really good product. The price matches its qualities! I bought a bottle of Botani squalene for around HK $26X. It contains squalene, vitamin C, vitamin E and lecithin (part of cell membrane). The bottle contains 15ml of oil - recommended use is one or two drops morning and night. This bottle usually lasts me one to two months. We all love a bargain, I found Muji was also selling squalane oil and it was only 120HKD (it was 100 before but they increased the price). I looked at the ingredients and it was pure squalane, no vitamin C, vitamin E or lecithin. So I thought it doesn’t sound to bad, and to give it a go since its so much cheaper.
Looking at the picture it shows that the two products look different (this is why I did not discover that Muji was selling this before). The Botani oil is yellow and the Muji one is colour less. The yellow in the Botani one is due to the lecithin.
Botani uses a pipette which I find a bit annoying - when there is a little bit of oil left it doesn’t pick it up but instead I have to unscrew it and pour it out.
I have found the Muji packaging even more annoying. It is hard to control the amount that pours out and it gets all over my hands. Although its cheap its not good to waste the oil. The lid also gets all greasy.
After using both I find the texture of the oils are similar. I have friends that worry whether applying this will give the greasy shiny face look, but since we use a little it gets absorbed quickly and won’t be greasy.

I think that Muji’s oil takes longer to be absorbed (not very noticeable but not sure if its just me). Apart from that I think the result from it is pretty much the same as Botani. Lastly, you have to be aware that the Muji’s ingredient list says is squalane oil and Botani’s is squalene oil. Basically they are the same except squalene’s molecular structure is double bond, simply said it is a more stable molecule. (Weird thing is in the Muji catalogue it says squalene oil instead of squalane, so I am not even sure which one they are using!)

Note: Someone commented saying that squalane's effect is much worse than squalene based on the assumption that "if the oil can't even remain the integrity of its structure, how could it work its magic on your skin?" That I do agree. What I blog here is according to my best knowledge and the last passage is based on the assumption that if both oil have intact structure (well, unstable doesn't mean ruined?), that I would not have sufficient knowledge to judge which one would work better. Hope this clears this air.

By Wendy

Squalene vs. Squalane:Botani及MUJI角鯊烯精華油

潮流流行角鯊烯精華油(squalene oil),我用了Bontani的olive squalene oil一年多,一直覺得它有保濕的功能,雖然沒有如我所願地縮小我的毛孔,但滋潤度不錯,所以一直繼續使用。
Squalene oil到底有什麼好呢?據說皮膚細胞含有有11-12% squalene,在我們「十八廿二」的年代,皮膚裡的squalene含量一直增加至這個水平,但一但到達25歲這個女人痛恨的關卡,皮膚裡的Squalene就會開始流失,到50歲時,含量會跌至5%左右。所以塗squalene是護膚的好方法。




最後,不曉得大家有沒有留意,Muji的產品上寫著squalane oil,而botani則是squalene oil。事實上兩者是差不多的東西,不過squalene的結構裡是double bonding而已,簡單來說,就是squalene的結構比較穩定。(不過啦,雖然產品上面寫的是squalane, Muji的產品目錄寫的卻是squalene……所以我到最後都不知道它到底是哪一個???)

By Wendy