
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Vital Care 維他命 E 油

維他命 E 油在外國流行已久。一般相信維他命E油能有抗老、保濕及修護的功效,亦有指維他命E油可以預防疤痕和色斑的形成。聽起來就像是萬能一樣!不過去到卓悅和莎莎問,店員說只有食用的維他命E。最近終於在價真棧買到護膚用的維他命E油。

這支維他命E油有120ml,價錢才也HK$3x (不好意思,忘了多少錢囉…),成份就是維他命E和礦物油。
另外,我在pinterest上曾看到有人以維他命E油來解決腳跟龜裂的問題,似乎真的很work。畢竟價格便宜,少喝杯星巴克咖啡就能買了!有此問題的讀者不妨一試。方法是以熱水浸腳約十分鐘,等死皮軟化,然後用一般磨腳皮的工具磨走死皮,洗腳後塗上維他命E油。重覆最少一星期。下圖是pinterest 的 before & after照:

by Wendy

Friday, August 16, 2013

Vital Care vitamin E oil

Price mart is definitely a good place for bargain hunting. Vitamin E oil has been a trend overseas for quite some time. It is said to have anti-aging, moisturizing and protective properties. Also it is said to smooth scars and marks - sounds like a super vitamin doesn’t it! I have been to the shops Bonjour and Sasa which only sell Vitamin E pills for ingesting. Recently I have finally found vitamin E oil at Price mart.

 The vitamin E oil is 120ml, and costs around 30 something HKD (sorry I have forgotten how much exactly). The ingredients are vitamin E and mineral oil. According to the label on the bottle, this oil can be applied day and/or night. How I use it is to mix this oil with my regular body lotion - I don’t apply it on my face.

 It is quite hard to control the amount that gets poured out of the bottle though because the bottle opening is rather large. The texture and feel of the oil is like any other oil.

I think it definitely is moisturizing, especially on dry areas like the elbows and knees. However I am not sure about the anti-aging and reduction of lines because I am not using it on my face. If you are prone to pimples, then I advise you not to apply the vitamin E oil on your face. This is because the texture is quite thick, if you apply it day and night your spots will definitely appear. Also I have seen on pinterest people using vitamin E oil to cure cracked heels. It seems like it does work! This is quite an economical option, only costs one cup of Starbucks. If you have cracked heels you can try the following: soak your feet in hot(ish) water for 10 minutes to soften the dead skin first. Then use a pumice stone or one of those feet files to remove the dead skin. Wash your feet then apply the vitamin E oil. Repeat in a week. The photo below is a before/after photo from pinterest.

My mom has used a similar method to get rid of her cracked heels, but instead of vitamin E oil she applied a cracked heels lotion bought from Sasa. I reckon the results are similar, but the lotion is more expensive. Hopefully I have helped those who want to have pretty feet for wearing sandals in the summer :D

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

夏天防汗臭~! Secret 止汗膏

熱,就當然會流汗,相信世間沒幾個香妃,所以我覺得從小就覺得「香汗淋漓 」絕對是個世紀大話!(再說,香妃好像是因為從小喝羊奶,身體有羊羶味,才被封香妃…真是讓人絕望的一個fun fact)

secret的止汗膏在外國有很多種味道,但暫時我只找到這一種 (Original solid)。要形容的話,是近似爽身粉的氣味。雖然香港貌似沒有在賣,如果對其他香味有興趣,又有機會到外國入貨,可以查閱官網:

Secret deodorant

Summer is here and lately there has been a lot of typhoons and also very hot. Naturally we sweat a lot in the heat. I believe there is no such thing as a person who has sweat that smells like flowers! (See Chinese folklore about some lady with nice smelling body odour) So to prevent bad body odour, you must use deodorant/antiperspirant. When I was younger I would purchase the deodorant spray, but due to environmental impacts, after high school I have switched to using roll ons. I am also scared of the artificial flower smell because it causes me headaches. Deodorants with a sweet fruit smell doesn’t suit my image well. So I have always used Nivea which has an added bonus of whitening. Recently I found the Secret brand deodorant that I have bought before when I was in holidaying in North America. Its only 29 HKD so decided to buy it since it was quite good.

Secret has a lot of different scents and types of deodorant overseas. However in Hong Kong I have only found the “Original solid” type. If I had to describe it I think it smells like baby powder. Although Hong Kong does not stock other types, if you are travelling overseas and can stock up you can visit their official website to check out their range.

The Secret antiperspirant is pretty effective - I am not a person who works outdoors just mainly in the office. I think that the scent and the protection from sweat is long lasting and does not leave white marks on the arm pits of my tops. The twist applicator is also very easy to use. Here’s a tip - Remember to wash your underarms properly during shower time to get rid of the deodorant because it can clog pores and cause unwanted spots. The protection level of the deodorant is rather high, so it is not quite suitable for using in the winter time. If you want to buy one you can find it at Pricemart.