
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

No7 Protect and Perfect Intense Serum

幾年前,英國的朋友介紹我用No7的beauty serum,說用完以後皮膚滑得很。
在此之後,我搬回香港,有時候朋友從英國回來也有拜託他們幫我買beauty serum,不過我多半是有一天沒一天地用(其他日子使用別的產品),所以效果也不怎麼顯著。
最近去布吉旅行,知道當地有boots的分店,而且在做買一送一的優惠,我便把這個加強版的Intense Beauty Serum帶回港。


No7 Protect and Perfect Intense Serum @ Boots:

-by Wendy

NARS Larger Than Life Long-Wear Eyeliner 眼線筆



最近,有人介紹我用NARS larger than life long-wear eyeliner --雖然在紐西蘭它真是貴得要命(Mecca Cosmetica賣NZD 50),但真是物超所值!




-by Petula

Original English post:

惹人厭的疤痕增生 – 瘢痕疙瘩 (keloid)


我的肩上有著如姆指第一截那麼長的疤痕,又紅又腫,所以很惹人注目。這道疤痕正式來說是叫瘢痕疙瘩 (keloid)。
至於第二位醫生,在檢查過我的keloid後,覺得它十分活躍,便替我打針(類固醇)。這類針是直接打到keloid內,打的時候真的痛得$#@&Z! 醫生還要一邊打一邊大力按平keloid,每次都痛得齜牙咧嘴……不過,打完針keloid真的會變扁喔!醫生說,一般病人都是打兩到三針(每隔三星期打一針)keloid便會變扁,效果能維持多久則因人而異,有些人能幾年都維持扁扁的。我的話,打完兩針,醫生便說不用打第三針,可是效果只能維持半年左右。
我每天努力塗啊塗(一天兩至三次,有時忘了也最少會塗一次),它真的沒有再痛/癢,我也覺得它變扁了一點。當然,它沒有打針那種完全變扁平的效果,還是凸凸的 ,但用一個一到十的scale來比喻的話,以往如果它凸的程度有十分,塗了秀碧除疤膏後,大概是七分凸,打針的話則是兩至三分凸。

-by Wendy

紐西蘭Dermatech Glycolic Cream 10%

最近,我換了新美容院做蜜蠟脫毛 (waxing)。
跟美容姐姐聊著聊著,便聊到我的皮膚狀況:毛孔粗大, 間中會出痘痘,lunch還未到已滿臉都是油, 而且還開始有頸紋(討厭的皺紋啊!)
平日,我主要用Environ AVST 的護膚品(我在使用三號)。事實上, 它們大大改善了我的痘痘問題, 所以我對Environ的護膚品感到十分滿意。 而我的美容姐姐建議我在Environ面霜以外,可以再使用De rmatech Glycolic Cream 10%
Dermatech是一個紐西蘭牌子, 它們的產品全都是在紐西蘭製造。
不過,大家一定疑問,到底什麼是Glycolic Cream?以下是Dermatech網站的解釋:
"乙醇酸是一組稱之為阿爾法羥基酸AHAs(果酸)的酸基團。 果酸是在天然產品(如牛奶、蔗糖和水果)找到。 它們都有著很類似的分子結構,而乙醇酸(從甘蔗中找到) 有著最小的分子結構,所以較易被較底層的皮膚吸收。
Glycolic Cream®是含有乙醇酸的保濕潤膚霜。 它是一種針對老化和曬傷皮膚問題的家用治療產品。”
已經約有一個月的時間,我每晚在塗Environ AVST前都先使用大概一粒豆份量的glycolic cream。
起初塗上時,有點刺刺和癢癢的,但是只是剛開始時會這樣。另外, 剛使用時,我有出粒粒的情況,不過美容姐姐說這是正常的。
* 膚質改善了
* 毛孔收細
* 面油比以往少
Dermatech 亦提醒大家要注意:
Glycolic Cream®能在首兩至三週改善膚質,讓皮膚變滑。在三至六週, 你會注意到毛孔收細,而六至十二週後會改善色斑, 八至二十四週後會明顯減淡幼紋和皺紋。"

有興趣的話,你可以到它們的網站訂購: Our-Products/Treat/
Petula <3

Original English post:

No 7 Protect and Perfect Intense Serum

A few years ago, my UK friend introduced No. 7 beauty serum to me, saying that it will give your skin silk-like smoothness. I got one from Boots to try, and only then, I noticed that it was the No. 1 best seller in the UK! My skin really felt smoother after using the serum, but no other significant improvement was shown (my pores were still huge...). After I moved back to Hong Kong, when a friend returns to the UK, I would ask him/her to help me buy the beauty serum. However, since I wasn't using it on a daily basis (I was using other products), the effect wasn't very noticeable. Recently, I traveled to Phuket, and Boots were doing a buy-one-get-one-free promotion, so I brought this intense beauty serum home. Now I am using a little bit of it every night. Not sure if it's because of the fact that I am now older, I feel that the smoothness effect has doubled~! (of course it has something to do with the "intense" formula), so I guess it is worth reviewing here. But, still there are no signs of other improvements. I think this product is great for girls who have average skin and hope to further improve the smoothness of their skin. However, please don't have too much expectation on evening your skin tone, minimizing your pores and reducing your lines as it is advertised to do. Recently, Boots has extended to Hong Kong! If you are living in Hong Kong would like to try this out, there is no need for you to fly all the way to Phuket/UK!

Keloid - hypertrophic scarring

When I am wearing a tank top, many would point to my shoulder and ask, "What happened?" There is a scar on my shoulder which is as long as the first section of my thumb. It's red and swollen, and hence, draws a lot of attention. A more proper name for this scar is Keloid. In short, keloid is hypertrophic scarring. I had a scratch on my shoulder and it didn't heal like other wounds, and it kept growing after a while, becoming a red scar which looked like acne. It is itchy and painful during all these years of scar proliferation. I consulted two doctors about the cure. Both of them advised not to do any surgery. The reason was that over 90% patients' keloid grew back after the operation, and it got even bigger than before. Nonetheless, it was necessary to wear pressure garments after operation, but my keloid is on the shoulder, so pressure garment's effectiveness is highly in doubt. The first doctor recommended scar bandage, but it was totally useless, and the application was quite troublesome (to me). The second doctor used steroid injection on my keloid as he believed that my keloid was very active. The steroid was injected directly into the keloid, and it hurt like hell! The doctor had to press the keloid flat during the process and it drove me to tears every time he did it. BUT, after the injection, the keloid would really become flat! According to the doctor, most of his patients needed to inject two to three times (once every three weeks) to make the keloid flat. How long the effect can last is different for every one, some can lasts for a couple of years. For me, I only needed two injections to make my keloid flat, but the effect would only last for 1/2 year. I don't want to inject the steroid too often (once every six months is a bit too much) because my keloid hurts a lot when the effect subsides and it even grows bigger (not sure if it's psychological effect) - so I don't do the injection anymore. My keloid being itchy and painful is still a problem though. So I made a decision which most of you would think ridiculous -- it's time for Contractubex. The unexpected happens - it actually helps! I applied Contractubex every day (2-3 times a day, sometimes only once when I was too busy), it doesn't itch/hurt anymore, and i think it flattened a little. Of course, it is not as flat as post-steroid-injection, but on a scale of one to ten, if it was ten before any treatment, after contractubex, it's around seven, while injection would be two to three. Also, not all the scar removal cream works, I tried H●r●scar with no success. You may think the flatness wasn't enough, but for me, since the injection only makes it flat, it doesn't remove the whole thing, being flat or not is not my major concern. I care more about if it can stop growing and stop feeling itchy and painful. Steroid injection costs a fortune, and my keloid grows even bigger when the effect subsides, so I actually prefer contractubex more. Needless to say, treatments have different effectiveness on different individuals. Contractubex may not work for you. I am just blogging to share my very own experience, you should consult your doctor's advice before trying anything!

NARS Larger Than Life Long-Wear Eyeliner

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="315"] Source:[/caption] I have oily skin, so my eyeliner not lasting is a huge issue for me. I used to use MAC eyeliner - it was fine, but wasn't the best because by mid day you couldn't really see it anymore. I got introduced to the NARS larger than life long-wear eyeliner - although it costs a fortune in New Zealand (NZD 50 at Mecca Cosmetica) I am never using anything else! The color is dark, and it is really smooth and easy to apply.  It lasts all day at work! My only complaint is that the built in sharpener is hard to use. Official site here:

Dermatech Glycolic Cream 10%

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="190"] Source:[/caption]
Recently I switched to a new beautician for my waxing.
Got chatting to my wax lady and discussed my skin conditions: enlarged pores, a few pimples from time to time, super oily by lunch time, and starting to get neck lines (wrinkles yikes!)
My face care consisted of the Environ AVST line (I'm up to 3).  I love Environ products and it has greatly helped my previous acne prone skin.  She recommended to supplement my Environ cream I try this product called Dermatech Glycolic Cream 10%.
Dermatech is a New Zealand company and all products are New Zealand made.
What is Glycolic Cream? According to the Dermatech website:
" Glycolic acid is one of a group of acids known as Alpha Hydroxy Acids or AHAs. AHAs are found in natural products such as milk, sugar cane, and fruit. They all have a similar molecular structure, with Glycolic (from sugar cane) being the smallest in the family and therefore it will penetrate to the deeper layers of skin more easily.
Glycolic Cream® is a hydrophilic emollient containing Glycolic acid. It is a home care treatment product, developed to address the problems of ageing and sundamaged skin. "
I have been using a pea sized amount of glycolic cream every night under my Environ AVST for about a month now.
When you put it on, it tingles and sometimes feels a bit itchy - but only to start.  Also it brought out spots on my face in the beginning, which according to my beautician is normal.
What I have noticed so far:
* Improved skin texture
* Smaller pores
* Less oil production
And what Dermatech says you should notice:
"Glycolic Cream® will produce an improvement in the skin texture within the first 2 to 3 weeks. Your skin will feel smoother. In 3 to 6 weeks you will notice a reduction in the size of pores, in 6 to 12 weeks an improvement in pigmented spots (hyperpigmentation) and 8 to 24 weeks you will see a visible reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles."
However I haven't seen any improvements in my neck lines yet - but I have hardly made a dent in the big jar of cream.
If you are interested in trying it out, you can buy online at their website
Watch this space for updates on neck lines!