
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dermatech Glycolic Cream 10%

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Recently I switched to a new beautician for my waxing.
Got chatting to my wax lady and discussed my skin conditions: enlarged pores, a few pimples from time to time, super oily by lunch time, and starting to get neck lines (wrinkles yikes!)
My face care consisted of the Environ AVST line (I'm up to 3).  I love Environ products and it has greatly helped my previous acne prone skin.  She recommended to supplement my Environ cream I try this product called Dermatech Glycolic Cream 10%.
Dermatech is a New Zealand company and all products are New Zealand made.
What is Glycolic Cream? According to the Dermatech website:
" Glycolic acid is one of a group of acids known as Alpha Hydroxy Acids or AHAs. AHAs are found in natural products such as milk, sugar cane, and fruit. They all have a similar molecular structure, with Glycolic (from sugar cane) being the smallest in the family and therefore it will penetrate to the deeper layers of skin more easily.
Glycolic Cream® is a hydrophilic emollient containing Glycolic acid. It is a home care treatment product, developed to address the problems of ageing and sundamaged skin. "
I have been using a pea sized amount of glycolic cream every night under my Environ AVST for about a month now.
When you put it on, it tingles and sometimes feels a bit itchy - but only to start.  Also it brought out spots on my face in the beginning, which according to my beautician is normal.
What I have noticed so far:
* Improved skin texture
* Smaller pores
* Less oil production
And what Dermatech says you should notice:
"Glycolic Cream® will produce an improvement in the skin texture within the first 2 to 3 weeks. Your skin will feel smoother. In 3 to 6 weeks you will notice a reduction in the size of pores, in 6 to 12 weeks an improvement in pigmented spots (hyperpigmentation) and 8 to 24 weeks you will see a visible reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles."
However I haven't seen any improvements in my neck lines yet - but I have hardly made a dent in the big jar of cream.
If you are interested in trying it out, you can buy online at their website
Watch this space for updates on neck lines!

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