
Monday, June 17, 2013

ONE-DAY Delight MAX 3 HydrationPLUS 每即棄型彩色隱形眼鏡

大眼仔和color con是不少香港女生的恩物。回想幾年前,因為害怕把異物 (con & 手指) 放進眼睛,我完全沒法子戴con。不過近兩年,我已經學有小成,開始會戴一些即棄型的color con。
在討論我喜歡的color con的顏色之前,我想強調我是一個頗為「驚青」的人,暫時我仍未能做到「愛靚唔愛命」,所以我只會在眼鏡零售店買color con。選擇比「格仔舖」是相對地少,但是我覺得品質比較有保證。
我對一般顏色較自然的color con沒什麼興趣。我是那種「既然都要戴,當然要讓所有人都知道」的類型,所以顏色選擇一般而言我偏好藍色和銀色,也曾戴過綠色、紫色、紅色和金色。
最近的新寵是ONE-DAY Delight MAX 3 HydrationPLUS。之前戴過同一品牌出的ONE-DAY Delight MAX 2,視光店老闆人很好,送我幾對樣本,基本上我所有顏色都有戴過。除了是color con,同時是大眼仔,而且舒適度和保濕度不錯,讓我有繼續試同牌子color con的衝動。

這次介紹的是ONE-DAY Delight MAX 3 HydrationPLUS系列裡的銀影灰色。雖然戴了上去後顏色沒有預期中的突出(我不曉得它原來是自然系列…),但是比起ONE-DAY Delight MAX 2,我覺得這一款的透氣度似乎更好,戴了一整天都沒有紅筋出現。

售價:好像是HK$220/15對 (平光鏡)


By Wendy

六月最愛:Koji linebeat 眼線筆

早近陪伴化妝初哥的友人去莎莎買眼線筆。對我來說,好的眼線筆的條件包括顏色要實, 不易溶, 而且最好是易卸妝。最後兩者其實不矛盾的啦!但是很多眼線產品只能做到其中一項。再加上友人要求的條件「易用」(即是最好不要眼線啫喱), 種種條件加起來,好用又適合初學者的眼線產品好像選擇不多。再考慮到畢竟友人不是常常化妝,買一支易用又實惠的眼線筆突然成了大挑戰。



來做一個簡單的對比。下面分別是Koji, MAC和Kate的眼線筆比較。因為我已經忘了自己用的是KATE的什麼眼線筆(眼線液狀),所以索性把筆也照一照好了…如圖所見,最深色的是Koji。其實3者當中,Koji和KATE的眼線筆我都是畫了一下而已, MAC的反而是太淺色,忍不住畫了幾下……



有一點值得注意的是,如果你想買一些較creamy的眼線產品作為打底之用,又或者是想以眼線來化smokey eyes,這次眼線筆就不是太適合了。
有關相中我使用的color con,請到

By Wendy




By Petula

Collagen by Watsons - hydrating and pore refining sleeping mask

I returned to Hong Kong in March to attend my cousin’s (Wendy’s brother) wedding. Due to the long flight and the change in humidity, my skin was very dehydrated and producing scary amounts of oil. My face was shiny within two hours of me leaving the house! I couldn’t last a full day with make up at the wedding like this! Luckily I had few days to try and emergency repair my skin. Wendy introduced me to the Watson’s sleeping mask. At first I was skeptical,it was a common pharmacy brand and only HKD 100. She said her make up teacher recommended it because it is suitable for all skin types. Decided to give it a try anyway.

The mask is a white translucent gel like consistency. It feels very soothing and hydrating when you put it on, and because my skin was so dehydrated it absorbed it in no time. I used it three nights in a row before bed. My skin instantly felt more plump and soft from using it, and it didnt produce as much oil! Also my pores seemed a bit smaller. A word of caution though, I returned to New Zealand and used it every other night for two weeks. I started noticing white bumps forming near my cheek bone area. I went for a facial and my beautician said I had lots of milia - basically dead skin cells trapped in the pores. She extracted them for me and told me not to use the product as frequent. So be careful! I will recommend once your skin feels hydrated again using it once a week. Overall it was good value for money and would recommend it.

ONE-DAY Delight MAX 3 HydrationPLUS daily disposal color contacts

Circle lens and color contacts are Hong Kong girls' makeup necessities. A few years ago, the thought of putting the contacts and my very own finger into my eye was too terrifying - I dare not wear contacts. But recently, I have learned the tricks and have started wearing daily disposal color contacts. Before talking about the color of contacts that I like, I want to emphasize that I chicken out easily, am not the risk-taking type, so I only purchase my color contacts at optical stores. Choices are limited, but more trustworthy. The natural colors are not my type, I prefer letting the others know that I am wearing color contacts, so I generally like blue and silver ones. I have also tried wearing green, violet, red and gold ones. My recent favorite is ONE-DAY Delight MAX 3 HydrationPLUS. I have worn ONE-DAY Delight MAX 2 series from the same brand before, the optical store staff was nice enough to give me a few samples for free, so I have actually tried all the colors in the series. Apart from being color contacts, it is also circle lens, and it is moisturizing and comfortable, encouraging me to try other color contacts from the same brand.

We are talking about the silver gray color in the series. The color wasn't as vibrant as I thought (I didn't notice it was the natural series...), but comparing to ONE-DAY Delight MAX 2, I think it has better air permeability, my eyes show no sign of redness even after wearing it for the whole day. Below is a picture of me without makeup. (Apologies if I have scared you, but I wear my contacts before makeup.) My left eye has no contacts, while the right one does.

If you are interested in learning more, please check out Woods HK's website: Price: I think it was HK$220/15 pairs (平光鏡).

For review of the eyeliner that i used for this look:

June favourite: Koji linebeat eyeliner

Eyeliner has been the focus of makeup looks these days, but many girls do not know how to pick the right eyeliner products at the very beginning. I acommpanied my friend, who is relatively new to makeup, to shop for eyeliner at Sasa recently. For me, I think a good eyeliner needs to have pigmented color, not easy to smudge, and it is best if it can be removed easily. Actually the last two criteria are not necessarily contradicting! What a shame that many eyeliner products can only achieve one of them. My friend also requested the eyeliner to be "easy to apply" (i.e. gel eyeliner isn't an option). With all these constraints, it wasn't easy to pick a good eyeliner for a beginner. Since my friend doesn't do makeup very often, it became a challenge to pick an eyeliner which does not cost her a fortune. In the end, we have found a new eyeliner by Koji - the koji linebeat eyeliner. It claims that the core of this eyeliner is gel. I tried it on my hand and rubbed it hard, and it stayed! As it seems to be a promising eyeliner, I bought two with my friend. It was only HK$98 after all. This eyeliner comes in two colors. The picture shows the sample color which I have got from Sasa's testers. The left one is black, while the right one is brown. After the crazy rubbing and being on my hand for the whole night, they still looked ok when I took this picture at home.

I bought a black one myself, and a brown one for my other friend.

This is a twist up eyeliner, not exactly a pencil. Quite handy if you ask me. BUT it is a one-way twist up design, you can't twist it down after use. So try not to twist too much up, as you won't be able to cover the lid later.

You can use it like pencil eyeliner, the color is great. One application already gives you beautiful pigmentation. Here comes a simple comparison by Koji, MAC and Kate eyeliners. Since I don't remember the name of the Kate eyeliner, I took a picture of all three of them. As you can see, Koji one shows the most pigmented color. In fact, I only did one stroke with Koji and Kate ones, but MAC one is a bit too light, so I did several strokes...

A friend with oily lids asked if this eyeliner stays. I did a small test. Below is a picture of me right after I did my makeup, it was 3ish in the afternoon. Please just ignore my dark circle and big pores. (taken with cellphone, apart from the logo, nothing was photoshoped)

Then I went to hangbout with my friends. I admit that I am lazy, so I did no touch-up in between, this picture is taken some time around midnight.

My upper eyeliner didn't smudge at all. However, the one on my waterline was completely gone like any other eyeliner. I didn't have much expectation about this, so it was okay. To be fair, it did stay for approximately 2 hours before it melted. The eyeliner was easy to remove with makeup removal oil. I was very happy about that. I asked my friend's opinion as well. She is also happy about this eyeliner, so I assume people who are new to makeup should be able to handle this eyeliner as well. A point to note though, if you want something creamy to be eye shadow base or you want to do smokey eyes with eyeliner, then this eyeliner is probably not the eyeliner that you should go for.

You can read my review about the color contact lens which I used for this look at

By Wendy